Mastering Content AI: How to Write Prompts That Create the Copy Results You Want

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Are you becoming more and more frustrated with implementing AI in your agency’s content production process? You aren’t alone!

When this technology was announced, many marketers and agency owners were ecstatic at the idea that it would cut down on the amount of time it takes to create copy for websites, blogs, social posts, emails, and more. Now, many of these same people are wondering if it’s even worth the effort as they have found themselves spending just as much time reviewing, editing, and rewriting the AI-generated content. 

While you should always review the copy created by ChatGPT and other content AI solutions to ensure the accuracy of the information, you should not have to spend hours of your time rewriting entire passages simply because they are irrelevant. 

It’s important to remember that the quality of the copy output from content AI technology is directly correlated to the quality of your input or prompt. When it comes to writing prompts that yield relevant and high-quality output, there are a few tips to keep in mind. 

Be Specific and Clear

Before writing your prompt, think about what your goals are for the piece. Are there certain topics or keywords you want to be covered? Are you hoping to reach a specific audience? 

Clearly communicate the desired outcome and provide specific instructions in your prompts. This helps the AI understand your expectations and generate content that aligns with your goals.

Use Examples and Context

Whenever possible, provide relevant examples or contextual information within your prompts. This gives the AI a better understanding of the tone, style, and format you’re looking for in the content. For instance, if you are aiming to write a blog that covers a topic from a unique angle, include details about why that approach is important to your readers. 

Set Boundaries and Guidelines

Clearly define any limitations, requirements, or guidelines for the content. Are you looking to write a few short paragraphs for an email campaign? Want a 2000-word blog complete with a few relevant statistics? Need your article to be written in APA or MLA format? 

Be sure to include these expectations in your prompt! This helps the AI focus on producing content within the desired scope and ensures it stays on-topic.

Iterate and Refine

Even if you abide by all these tips and tricks, not every prompt is going to be a winner. There will still be occasions when you need to experiment with different input variations and iterate on them to achieve the desired results. 

As you adjust and refine your input based on the output you receive, you will become more familiar with how AI technology responds. This familiarity will lead to better prompts from you, gradually improving the quality and relevance of the content created.

Provide Feedback

In addition to you learning from content AI technology the more you use it, it has the potential to learn from you as well. As you refine your prompts, actively engage with the AI-generated content and provide feedback. This helps the technology learn and improve over time, leading to better content outputs in the future.

AI and Your Agency

Remember that writing effective prompts for content AI is an iterative process. By experimenting, refining, and understanding the capabilities of AI technology, you can create prompts that consistently yield relevant and high-quality copy results. 

Try implementing these tips and tricks to see how much time you can save when it comes to content production. Looking for more ways to save time? Check out HighLevel’s AI-powered all-in-one sales and marketing platform! Sign up for a 14-day FREE trial today. 

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